Ambassador; President of the Board of the International Centre for Chemical Safety and Security- Poland

Ambassador Paturej, the Chairperson of the OPCW Third Review Conference /The Hague, April, 2013/,  as Ambassador Titular at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland. Amb. Paturej is experienced in multilateral diplomacy, negotiations and multicultural relations, disarmament and non-proliferation of WMD, efforts against terrorism, development and cooperation programmes, relations with stakeholders and public society, result based management and risk management strategies. He is actively engaged in the promotion of the global chemical safety and security and the development of the global chemical security culture. He co-founded the International Centre for Chemical Safety and Security in Poland. He co-organized and chaired the Global Summit on Chemical Safety and Security ( in Kielce, Poland, on 18-20 April, 2016, a first worldwide multi-stakeholder and non-political gathering to enhance chemical safety and security worldwide.